Early Years
Our enrichment and extra-curricular provision is updated regularly to meet the needs of our cohort of students. These are just some of the activities children have enjoyed in recent years.
Extracurricular Opportunities At Priory Poppets

Rhythm time sessions are run by an external company who take great pride in delivering high quality, award-winning music classes throughout the country. The 30-minute classes help to stimulate babies’ vision and hearing, promote deeper sleep, improve muscle tone, flexibility and circulation and introduce them to ‘tummy time’.

Bhangra Tots is a very exciting concept of using Bhangra dance and music focused especially for children within EYFS. Throughout the sessions, babies will explore using a variety of different senses through materials, music, dance and story-telling.

Glowbugs is a glow in the dark baby group suitable for babies and toddlers. Each themed session starts with group songs and light up equipment followed by a ‘Glow Show’. Children marvel at the lights and explore through a variety of different sensory objects including bubbles, musical instruments and coloured materials.

Pyjama Drama offers play based drama sessions which aim to help babies and young children learn about their world to develop their cognitive, physical and emotional skills. Sessions are delivered based on the current curriculum topic and children’s interests.

Nature walks/ Forest School area- No matter the season, outdoor environments offer unique and abundant opportunities for babies to engage in play-based learning and sensory activities. We ensure babies are exposed to the natural outdoor environment at Priory School on a daily basis.

Tennis sessions focus on developing agility, balance and coordination through a variety of games. The children are encouraged to understand their bodies through movement and develop ball and racket skills. As sessions progress, children move on to mastering forehands, backhands and more.

Weekly music sessions provide children with the opportunity to develop key skills and express themselves freely. Children are introduced to the world of performing arts by showcasing their fantastic singing skills in annual productions.

Multi-lingual Sessions (French, Spanish and Italian) allow children to learn a foreign language at a very young age. These sessions increase children’s critical thinking skills and creativity. We deliver multi-lingual instruction through songs, games, actions, story-telling and drama, all of which are designed to help develop your child’s skills.

Our annual Christmas and Spring productions are the perfect opportunity to watch your child on stage. Children also graduate from Poppets at the end of the Summer term before transitioning into Nursery.

Bhangra Tots is a very exciting concept of using Bhangra dance and music for children within the EYFS. Throughout the sessions, children use their imagination through materials, music and dance.

Pyjama Drama offers play based drama sessions which aim to help children learn about their world, and develop their cognitive, physical and emotional skills. Sessions are delivered based on the current curriculum topic and children’s interests.

Forest School uses the outdoor environment to help all children learn. Children are encouraged to develop independence, improve decision making and raise their self-esteem through small, achievable tasks in our designated Forest School area.

P.E sessions take part in the school gym and are planned on a weekly basis to meet the physical development needs of all children.

French sessions allow children to learn a foreign language at a very young age, increasing children’s critical thinking skills, creativity and flexibility of mind. We deliver weekly French sessions through songs, games, actions, story-telling and drama, all of which are designed to help develop your child’s skills.

FootieBugs aims to introduce children to the fun, healthy and exciting world of football. The weekly sessions incorporate constant movement, aerobic exercise, balance and eye to foot coordination. It is an ideal activity to increase thinking and communication skills through team work.

Swimming sessions at the Edgbaston Priory Club will take place in the Summer term. Swimming is a great way to keep your child’s heart and lungs healthy, it improves strength and flexibility, increases stamina, and improves balance and posture.

Visits to the local care home encourage the children to think about how we help and care for others. There are many benefits to visiting those at a care home as it has been found to boost children’s confidence and enhance their social and emotional development whilst developing a mutual respect for their elders. It is also a great opportunity to develop links within our local community.

Nursery pupils will go on two trips per academic year, one in the Autumn term and one in the Summer term. Trips vary depending on the current topic and interests of the children.

Our annual Christmas and Spring productions are a perfect opportunity to watch your child on stage. Children also graduate from Nursery at the end of the Summer term.

P.E sessions take place in the school gym and are planned on a weekly basis to meet the physical development needs of all children.

Bhangra Tots is a very exciting concept of using Bhangra dance and music for children within the EYFS. Throughout the sessions, babies will explore using a variety of different senses through materials, music, dance and story-telling.

Pyjama Drama offers play based drama sessions which aim to help babies and young children learn about their world and to develop their cognitive, physical and emotional skills. Sessions are delivered based on the current curriculum topic and children’s interests.

Forest School uses the outdoor environment to help all children learn. The children are encouraged to develop independence, improve decision making and raise their self-esteem through small, achievable tasks in our designated on-site Forest School area.

Tennis sessions focus on developing agility, balance and coordination through a variety of games. The children are encouraged to understand their bodies through movement, develop ball and racket skills, and move on to mastering forehands, backhands and more.

Weekly music sessions provide children with the opportunity to develop key skills and express themselves freely. The children are introduced to the world of performing arts by showcasing their fantastic singing skills in the annual productions.

Ballet sessions make learning to dance a magical experience, where children learn new steps and movement, gaining confidence in a fun and relaxing environment.
Prep School
Our enrichment and extra-curricular provision is updated regularly to meet the needs of our cohort of students. These are just some of the activities children have enjoyed in recent years.
Extracurricular Opportunities At Priory

Throughout the year we offer a range of extracurricular sports, including; football, rugby, cricket, golf & netball. Our weekly after school clubs, as well as PE sessions, focus on developing individual confidence, teamworking skills and overall fitness through a variety of sports. Our links with local schools, the Catholic partnership and the Independent schools Association ensure there are always sporting fixtures for our children to take part in.

French and Italian sessions allow children to expand on their MFL learning from their weekly lessons, increasing children’s critical thinking skills, creativity, and flexibility of mind. Our extracurricular lessons focus on deepening their knowledge of the language whilst learning about key aspects of the French and Italian cultures.

Through our partnership with Priory Club we also offer weekly Squash and Tennis sessions led by their excellent coaching team, focussing on developing agility, balance and coordination through a variety of games. The children are encouraged to understand their bodies through movement, develop ball and racket skills, and move on to mastering forehands, backhands and more.

Weekly music sessions provide children with the opportunity to develop key skills and express themselves freely. The children are encouraged to showcase their fantastic singing skills in weekly choir sessions and termly productions. The children can also choose to specialise in an instrument under the tuition of our peripatetic staff.

Weekly lessons as well as lunchtime and after school opportunities will allow your child to progress as far through this nationally accredited qualification as they choose. The children are prepared and taught in small groups and come together each term to showcase their recitals.

Our younger children are encouraged to attend ballet sessions in our dance studio where their instructor makes learning to dance a magical experience. Children learn new steps and movement, gaining confidence in a fun and relaxing environment with the opportunity to perform these skills at the end of the year.

Through our partnership with MadScience we also offer a weekly science club with a twist. Children explore scientific concepts in a fun and practical way. Each week the children work together to solve a problem and come away with a ‘take home’ to continue their learning.

We pride ourselves on the amazing ability of our young artists at Priory. We offer multiple opportunities for children to express themselves artistically through our extracurricular clubs. We also have dedicated days throughout the year to produce and showcase their amazing artwork.

Alongside the extracurricular opportunities listed we have a host of other clubs including; chess, lego, cooking, media, nature detectives and many more. Teachers leading each club do so out of a passion for the subject and our partnerships with external experts further enhance our extracurricular program.
Senior School & Sixth Form
Our enrichment and extra-curricular provision is updated regularly to meet the needs of our cohort of students. These are just some of the activities children have enjoyed in recent years.
Priory School Seniors Extra Curricular Clubs

This award, available at both bronze and silver, equips students with a variety of independent, practical, cultural and adventurous skills. Students embark on expeditions to rural areas where they walk across difficult terrain, camp under canvass and learn a variety of survival skills and bush crafts. Participation in the award is encouraged by both employers and universities.

Model United Nations (MUN) students have been working with MUN organisations throughout the globe, to try and encourage a world where all students have the knowledge and skills needed to promote and support the United Nations Sustainable Development Global Goals, in alignment with SDG 4, ‘quality education.’ You can learn more about MUN Impact by visiting: https://munimpact.org/

Did you know that Board Games have many health benefits? Here are just a few!
- Enhancement of cognitive and problem solving skill
- Reduces the risk of cognitive decline
- Increases endorphins to lessen stress and anxiety
- Speeds up reaction times
- Team games support the development of healthy friendships

Chess is well known to be a highly intellectual past time as can develop a players IQ significantly. In addition, playing chess regularly can:
- Help to stimulate both sides of the brain
- Sparks creativity
- Enhances strategic planning skills
- Optimizes memory
- Improves reading skills

Warhammer is the collective name given to a group of table top dice based strategy battle games featuring plastic painted figures. Warhammer as a hobby is about so much more than just battles! So much of it is about creativity. You have creative license to create your own unique faction/army, their background, lore and stories in which they feature. It requires numeracy, logic and strategic planning.

Tennis lessons are offered as part of the curriculum in addition to being available as extra-curricular clubs. Our children enjoy competing at local and national competitions. One of our former students now enjoys a professional career in tennis playing for England at the Olympics and she has also had great success at Wimbledon.

Origami is good for you as it develops eye hand co-ordination, sequencing skills, maths reasoning, spatial skills, memory, but also patience and attention skills. Not to mention the fun involved in creating the plethora of creations adorning Mr Jones’ classroom!

The school newspaper ‘The Edge’, has been nominated for a national award for excellence and is in its second year of production. Students apply for roles during the spring term of Year 10 competing with each other to become ‘Editor in Chief, Sports Editor, Features Editor and Layout Editor, amongst others. The newspaper is distributed twice a year and is produced independently by the students themselves. There are trips a plenty with students visiting major tourist attractions in order to write articles. This is an initiative that looks fantastic on any CV illustrating skills in journalism, creative writing and graphic design.

School band allows our students with musical talents to showcase their skills at school events. The band rehearse for performances at the summer and Christmas Fair, school productions and ‘Afternoon Tea and Music’ amongst others.

Celebrate the arrival of spring by getting into shape with our range of summer sports including tennis, rounders, cricket and athletics. Students often train to compete against other schools gaining confidence in competitive sports.

Extend your understanding of the physical geography of the world and the human impact. Look at different habitats across the world from coral reefs to ecology on the Galapagos Islands. Understand the forces of nature through a study of tidal patterns, volcanoes, earthquakes and other natural hazards and study geographical phenomena as it happens across the world.

Drama nurtures self confidence, imagination, empathy, communication skills and above all provides an emotional release to relieve stress and anxiety. Students who attend Drama club work diligently towards the main school production as well as performances in additional school events and assemblies.

Staff across all academic departments offer a range of enrichment sessions to boost the grades of their students. This includes GCSE RE, Geography, Science, Maths and English. All of these boosters are individually tailored to the needs of the students who attend offering one to one assistance in some cases.

In this popular club, pupils look at the style of Art Nouvea and artists such as Gustav Klimt and Alphonse Mucha and try to create their own pieces taking inspiration from these artists.

This highly popular lunchtime activity provides the opportunity for students across all year groups to compete with each other at table tennis. This fast paced sport improves the hand eye coordination of players as well as developing their response times and strategic planning abilities.

It is incredibly important for children to learn to manage their wellbeing. Mindfulness colouring allows children to maintain positive mindfulness by reducing stress levels whilst focussing on creativity skills.

For all those future published authors out there. This activity allows students the opportunity to find time during the busy school week to hone their creative writing skills. They learn a variety of different techniques to improve their skills, sharing their individual projects with others.

Football training is offered to all year groups. The students embark upon fitness programmes as well developing their skills on the pitch. This club is especially effective when we consider the recent successes of our football teams!

Working closely with the values of the Model United Nations, Eco club will continue the ‘go green’ projects already in the school focusing on the recycling of plastics.

This innovative club teaches students the basics in sign language communication. The students perform regularly at school events including signing carols in our Christmas Carol concert. Being able to communicate in
sign language is a wonderful skill to have.

A wonderful opportunity for students with an interest in comics to share their interest, read collectively and create their own versions.

Native Speakers Club offers the opportunity for all bilingual students to speak in their mother tongue and prepare for GCSE Examinations in their native language. It is a wonderful opportunity for students to socialize with others of the same nationality.

Basketball is a sport that has become increasingly popular with our students over the past few years. This club is so popular that three separate days are offered for training. Our Basketball teams enjoy significant success with some of our students playing for semi professional teams.

Our school boasts some very talented singers who rehearse regularly in our choir. They perform at events such as Carol concerts, Awards Night as well as in the school productions.

The Library is open every break time and lunchtime to allow students the opportunity for private study or quiet reading. The library also operates a homework club every evening from 4-5pm.

Children have the opportunity to develop their marketing and advertising skills by engaging with a range of exciting projects and group activities.

Explore the rich history of our language by studying the structure and sound of the Old English language.